Back to back final tables!
I decided to play Jordan and TripJax's fabulously titled "Donkeys Always Draw" tournament at the very last minute. Al Can't Hang had alerted me to it last night when I called him for a dial-a-shot following my third place finish in the WWdN tourney. I was already an hour into the Full Tilt $10K tournament with April, who busted out on a terrible beat when her set of sevens was sucked out by a runner runner flush. The dude had T4! Aii yaa. With my short stack on break at Full Tilt, I jumped into the foray on Stars with the rest of bloggerdom. Pauly popped in the IM window and we made another last longer bet.
In the early action, I picked up AKs and raised to 80. Heather popped me to 200 and the big blind went all-in. I didn't want to play this hand against both of them, and I thought a large raise could move Heather off. So I went all in. Heather tanked for a long time before mucking her QQ. The BB had pocket tens and I lost the race, though I picked up the side pot. Don't think the Princess was too happy with me on that one. Then, with AA in middle position, I made a standard-size raise and JoeSpeaker called. We went heads up to a J 5 2 rainbow flop. I bet out smallish (120) and Speaker popped me to 360. I smooth-called. Turn a 2. I checked, he bet 600 and I pushed in. He called with 77 and my aces held with a 5 on the river. With T3000 or so in my stack I felt pretty comfortable.
I chopped out smallish pots on preflop raises and flop bets until the ante hit. The deck decided to smack me in the head about then and I became, in Jordan's words, "a one-woman wrecking ball!" I took out Vennor with AA vs. his AQ and put a big hurt on Penneriii with a set of Queens vs. his 66. GCox's AT fell to my pocket jacks, and Mrs. Sox Lover's AK was sucked out when my KJ found a jack on the flop. I hit the final table with about T28000 after that little run.
Immediately I lost two big hands. AJ fell to Scott McMillan's KT when a ten flopped. Then I flopped a set vs. on_thg's nut flush draw that got there on the turn after I put him all-in on the flop. I notice that JoeSpeaker is down to 2700. I really don't want him to double up because I know just how good a closer he is. But luck and fate were on Speaker's side tonight. All-in with JJ vs. Facty's pocket rockets, Speaker spiked a jack on the river in a fit of voodoo magic and suddenly had a healthy stack. "Fuck," I wrote to Pauly on IM. "Speaker has chips."
Like I said yesteday, any tournament victory involves at least one world-class suckout. This one was no different. Down to T10000 chips, I re-raised all in with pocket sixes and got called by Jestocost's pocket nines. A 6 on the flop and I'm saved! And back up to 21K.
In tonight's "Final Table Turning Point," I look at AA (again) and made a standard raise from MP and got reraised all-in by on_thg. I insta-call and he shows KK. The aces hold and I double to 42K. That's a helluva bad way to go out. Sorry about that one!
After busting Scott with trip aces on the flop to his KJ, I picked up JJ vs. Mowenudown's QT. The board came a bunch of baby cards and I was heads-up with fellow Murderer's Row assassin JoeSpeaker. You know, the one I'd been worried about from the beginning. I tried to keep my shit together as we started battling. I looked up at QJ on the button and raised to 6000. Speaker pushed and I called 10K more. I was feeling behind there and saw that I was when his K5 turned up. The flop came 6 T 9, giving me an OESD and eliminating three of Speaker's outs. I need paint or an eight...
The turn is a King. And I celebrated my first MTT win since the freakin' summer! Dial-a-puffs for everyone!!!
Thanks again to my awesome railbirds-- your support these last two nights means so much to me. Wins are so much sweeter when surrounded by friends. Huge congrats to JoeSpeaker (2nd), ScottMcMillan (4th), on_thg (5th), Facty (7th) and our host TripJax (9th)on their final table finishes. Well played, everyone.
(I also cashed in 31st in the Full Tilt $10K tonight. Talk about a rush!)
Congrats Change. Well played and thanks for joining us.
When you took me out (after C-Mitch from O-poker did the heavy lifting), I knew you were going to go far. Not because I'm so great, but because you were playing solid aggressive poker. Congratulations.
The tourney had several bounties offered by bloggers. I had 2. If you win the whole tourney, you get 2 decks of copag cards. If you bust me, you get to rename the blog for a week. You won them both. Send me an email at brodybanky@aol.com with your address so I can mail out the cards. Congratulations once again
Nice'n. It was a blast being at your table, even tho I went out 59th (first tourney evah) I watched the wild final table to the end! Congrats!
Congrats! You owned the tables last night.
Good times and good game. Congrats on your nice win in the 1st DADI
Congrats on winning last night.
Well played.
Great job once again.
Well done, change. Very deserved.
I never got a leg-up when it was down to just us two. Kept me scrambling.
Ride the rush!
Way to go! You kicked good butt!!
Congratulations and nicely done!
Thanks for the mention, which makes it seem like I actually got far enough to have 10K chips to lose. Unless I was drunker than I thought (not out of the realm of possibility), someone else must have been victimized by your 66. I don't think I ever got much above the starting chip stack before Scott busted me out in 36th when I pushed for my last 800 or so with KJ.
Congratulations anyway! If I did lose that hand, I'm pissed though.
Nice work!
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